LoRA Metadata Viewer

Settings are stored in your browser through the Local Storage API and will persist across sessions. Use this section to either reset, load, or save your current configuration.
No file chosen

Summary Fields
Specify the name of the fields to be displayed in the summary section, separated by commas. To include fields from the CivitAI metadata, add "civitai." prefix (ie. "civitai.trainedWords"). To include custom fields, add "custom." prefix (ie. "custom.training_time").

Custom Summary Template
This section defines the template to be used in the custom summary layout in HTML format. The fields to be displayed must be defined within {{}}. ( ie: {{ss_output_name}} ). To include file metadata fields, simply specify the field name. To include fields from the CivitAI metadata, add "civitai." prefix (ie. "civitai.trainedWords"). To include custom fields, add "custom." prefix (ie. "custom.training_time").
Metadata Editor Fields
Specify the name of the fields to be displayed in the simple view of the metadata editor section, separated by commas.
Custom Fields
This section defines the list of custom fields that may be displayed in the summary section. Calculations are defined as javascript expressions. Data from the following are available for calculations: Safetensors File metadata (fileMetadata), CivitAI resource info (civitaiMetadata), and previously defined custom fields (customMetadata). Keep in mind that custom fields are created in the same order they are defined in the list, meaning you may use a custom field in a calculation only if it was defined in a previous row.
Name Calculation  

Drag and drop your safetensors file here
or click to select a safetensors file



Suggested Prompt

Tag Frequency


CivitAI Info

Model URL:
Resource Info:



Metadata Editor
